The Infinite Possibilities of Physical Retail

April 19, 2022
Sign that says "Let's Change The Way We Shop"

In Retail Dive, our Director of Strategy, Caitlin Neyer, identifies three key themes that physical retailers should consider when making their next move.

2020 shocked. 2021 reset. 2022, and beyond, will define. Retail’s next frontier promises infinite possibility – but it won’t be for everyone. Moves made today will decide retail’s leaders versus laggards. Which will you be?

According to Verizon’s CEO, Hans Vestberg, “As COVID-19 spread around the world, we leapfrogged five to seven years in the digital revolution” and many studies back his assessment:

  • Stores are no longer the default shopping channel, but 72% of consumers still rely on stores as part of their primary buying method. (IBM)
  • Over the next five years, leaders are buying into the prospects of digitization of the physical world. (Deloitte)

If the future is being defined as digital, what is a physical retailer to do?

Read the full article here in Retail Dive.

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