Five Questions With: Lee Carpenter

August 5, 2021
Lee Carpenter wide headshot

At ChangeUp, we’re inspired daily by the people we work with, so we’re excited to kick off a new series – “Five Questions With”. Every month we’ll spotlight a different employee, asking them five questions that we hope will spark some inspiration in you too. First up, get to know our CEO and Founding Partner, Lee Carpenter.

What are you currently reading?

The best book I read lately is Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity by Scott Galloway. I liked it so much I read it twice!

What’s been your favorite client project so far and why?

There have been so many wonderful clients over the years, some of which include, Best Buy, Honda, and Nike. It’s impossible to pick just one, but my favorite at the moment is Revea because of how innovative and unique their approach to beauty is. Using state-of-the-art technology and science, they personalize skin care based on your unique biology. We partnered with them on everything from their brand strategy to their identity, packaging, and pop-up store design, so it’s exciting to see the brand evolve from the ground up.

What are you most passionate about outside of work?

Outside of work I love collecting wine and playing golf. I’m a big wine enthusiast and I play golf all around the country. Although I’m much better at buying and consuming wine than I am at playing golf!

What do you believe is the biggest challenge for brands to overcome right now?

One of the biggest challenges for brands right now is bridging the gap between their digital and physical spaces. The best thing a retail business can do is have a three-dimensional space where customers can see the brand personified. However, in order to create a great experience for shoppers, businesses must provide a holistic experience across all of their platforms. 

One of the things I’m proudest of at ChangeUp is that we build physical spaces that showcase what each brand stands for, while prioritizing the integration of digital channels to produce the best customer experience.

What excites you most about the work we do at ChangeUp?

I’m most excited by how we’re able to make real change happen for our clients from the inside out. We’ve seen the direct impact that our work has on our clients’ business results and on the people within those organizations.

It’s also unique for clients to work with an agency like ChangeUp that not only helps them reinvent their brand but also creates a physical space that personifies it.

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