
Get to know Mitchell Kirkham-Cooper, the newest addition to our team! Mitchell shares which brands he thinks are resonating, what brought him to ChangeUp, and more.
At ChangeUp, we’re inspired daily by the people we work with, which led us to kick off our new series, “Five Questions With”. Every month we’ll spotlight a different employee, asking them five questions that we hope will spark some inspiration in you too. In our second installment, get to know our Design Director, Ashley Floyd.
I have been deep diving into self-care categories. The book I am really into right now is titled “The Body Keeps the Score – Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” – By Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
I am a huge mental and physical health advocate. I believe in talking about these subjects openly. It is important that we as individuals learn the proper tools to navigate the dark and light sides of life.
I LOVE ALL MY CLIENTS 😊 – but if I had to narrow down a project that was just fun and challenging for me, it would be Logrand Entertainment Group. They are a casino holding company that is in Monterrey, Mexico.
We designed (2) different casino brands for them that would be implemented all over Mexico. Our team toured multiple locations throughout the country and really bonded with the client. Even though there was a language barrier and cultural barrier at times – both client and the ChangeUp team remained open-minded, respectful, passionate, patient, and driven to achieve the most cutting-edge Casino to date in Mexico. By the end of it we felt like family – it was really a beautiful experience.
The fun and challenging part was designing a casino. Fun because theatrics and over-the-top is welcome. Essentially, you are designing for people to be entertained and have fun (my specialty J). Challenging because I NEVER designed a casino before – so there was a lot of learning, but I LOVE learning and a good challenge.
To be bold. To be unique. To embrace change.
We live in a sea of safe sameness. I hear and see repeatedly client’s wanting to do something similar as their competitor because they have proof that it works.
What clients do not realize is playing it safe is not always safe.
Customers WANT and NEED variety – especially today. People can experience the world at their fingertips. They are exposed to more cultures and therefore are more worldly. Ideas and experiences are consumed faster and more often than in the past generations. This means these generations are constantly craving new ideas and experiences. Generic and safe just doesn’t cut it.
If you want to be seen, want to make an impact, want to be successful – BE BOLD. I promise you will not regret it.
My partner, my animals, my family, my friends, my community.
I am a very adventurous passionate person.
I love traveling, exploring nature, being exposed to different cultures, live music, tending to my garden, loveeee being on the water – in any way shape or form.
I am an artist at heart – I always have personal creative side projects going on. I have a ton of creativity in my brain, and I love manifesting it in one form or another.
The amazingly TALENTED team I get to collaborate with every day. I have worked at a handful of places throughout my career, and I can tell you hands down we have the best and most talent on one team I have ever worked with.
I can honestly say I am very proud of ALL the work that comes out of this team. I am proud to be a part of it and am very excited about the future of our projects – we are just getting started.
Missed our last conversation? Get to know ChangeUp’s CEO and Founding Partner, Lee Carpenter, here.