Takeaways from EuroShop 2023

March 21, 2023
EuroShop 2023

EuroShop is the world’s largest trade fair catering to the retail design community. The event attracts brands, suppliers, and industry enthusiasts from around the globe in search of collaboration and expertise—including the ChangeUp team!

This year we hit the EuroShop floor in search of inspiration and found some at nearly every corner. Our Creative Director, Marty McCauley, shares some of the key themes and takeaways that we look forward to embracing as we dive back into client projects.


Design To Inspire

With hundreds of exhibitors at EuroShop, there is a strong push to stand out in the crowd. Exhibitors are mindful to design an experience that cuts through the noise to invite engagement. Much like in retail, crafting a journey and experience that delivers the heart of a brand’s DNA goes a long way toward making a lasting impression. It was fascinating to see how exhibitors use their finite space allotment to share what they stand for to ultimately attract and engage visitors.


Manufactured Authenticity

At ChangeUp we are always on the lookout for innovative materials with a tactile look and feel that provide modularity and consistency across various store footprints. As a balance to the tech and sustainable trends we saw throughout the show, we also saw examples of authentic expressions built for scalable applications. For instance, exhibitor Panel Piedra showcased their sculptural wall panel solutions that are dimensional and customizable to replicate brick, wood, or seemingly any decorative wall texture while maintaining consistency from store to store.


Smart Tech for Smarter Stores

We saw a theme of integrating technology to allow for connections between the guest, product, and even sourcing. These new technologies can help both brands and consumers bridge the gap between online and in-store experiences, while offering more opportunities for transparency and product storytelling.

Additionally, behind the scenes technologies such as wearables and hidden security systems help connect employees and give brands more opportunity to provide better service and data driven supply chain planning.


Sustainable Standouts

Sustainability was so much more than a buzzy topic at this year’s EuroShop. The scales have tipped in favor of a more aligned commitment to the future as vendors and suppliers have doubled down on their efforts to do the right thing. From tile products made from fish scales to artful textile products made from recycled denim, there was no shortage of innovation. Exhibitors like B-Mannequin and IDW Display also caught our eye, as they fused thoughtful design with sustainability with their eco-friendly mannequins produced in an impressive variety of colors.

EuroShop Sustainability
B Mannequins EuroShop


Creative Integration

As designers, we are always on the hunt for ways to make our work come to life. One trend that piqued our excitement was a strong commitment from vendors and suppliers to make it easier to source and integrate products within our creative workflow. Whether that’s open access to 3D files, or plug-ins that integrate with our software, a strong commitment to more collaborative partnerships feel like a big win for all!


Embrace Digital Engagement

It came as little surprise that exhibits throughout the show leveraged QR Codes to drive engagement and offer a little extra oomph to attendees. Whether to unlock more data, or even offer a playful AR surprise, it’s hard to imagine a future where QR codes aren’t more ubiquitous within retail. Digital mannequins also provided an engaging opportunity for guests to select a model that best represents their unique style point of view, and then demo products face-to-face with an avatar-like model.

Retail design is a constantly evolving landscape, and the next time EuroShop graces us with its presence in 2026, fish scale tiles and QR codes may already be things of the past. Regardless of what changes, one thing will always remain consistent—at ChangeUp we design for the future, and in the future the possibilities are limitless!

Curious about past EuroShop events? Checkout our takeaways from 2020.

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