How Brands Succeed in a Zero Horizon World

March 21, 2022
Zero Horizon wide concept image

In Marketing Dive, our Executive Director of Strategy & Insights, Bill Chidley, shares how a Zero Horizon world drives consumer behavior and impacts the future of business.

Imagine waking up to a new world each morning, one where the patterns and routines that shape what you do, what you believe, and what you value have been suddenly rearranged. This unimaginable life of continuous disruption, volatility, discontinuity, and chaos isn’t dystopian science fiction. This has become the 21st century reality, where every day requires either an action or an escape, and the future is so close that it is no longer a destination. Humans are the most adaptive species on the planet, but how much change can we take? What happens when we reach the limit and how will we know when we are there?

Read the full article here in Marketing Dive.

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