Five Questions With: Kristine Gabuyo

November 30, 2021
Kristine Gabuyo wide headshot

At ChangeUp, we’re inspired daily by the people we work with. This led us to launch “Five Questions With” – a monthly series that spotlights a different employee, asking them five questions that we hope sparks some inspiration in you too. Next up, get to know Kristine Gabuyo, Project Coordinator of Architecture.

What are you currently reading or listening to?

I’m currently reading Palaces for the People by Eric Klinenberg, which explores how the built environment can positively influence social infrastructure. I believe that the third place (places like your favorite café, dive bar, barbershop, and gazebo at the park) is essential for social and economic success, and creates pride and unity within communities.

I also love listening to Revisionist History, a podcast hosted by Malcolm Gladwell, which examines overlooked topics in history and pop culture.

What made you want to join ChangeUp? 

I was initially drawn to the combination of work in brand design and architecture. I loved that it’s a firm that takes on the challenge of translating brand identity into a built environment. It was also super cool when I recognized some examples of ChangeUp’s work in some of the brands I love!

Another plus was the ability to be fully remote. I appreciated the benefits and flexibility that ChangeUp offers to their remote employees, which has allowed me to optimize my work-life balance.

What do you enjoy most about being a project coordinator on the architecture team?

Despite working remote, I feel the camaraderie through my daily interactions with the team. I love learning about building code, things particular to certain municipalities, and the needs of the client. I think these things are more enjoyable though because of the insanely awesome people I get to work with.

What are you most passionate about outside of work?

Home renovation! My partner and I have been working on our old craftsman, and we’ve been learning about its history while trying to retain its characteristics, like the doorbell on the screened door and weighted windows.

If I’m not working on the house, I love to spend my time baking or cycling. Atlanta has a growing number of bike friendly trails and roads that make getting to different parts of the city so satisfying.

Food is a love language in my family, and baking is a medium that satisfies my creativity and need to work with my hands. It’s a challenging combination of chemistry and finesse.

What excites you most about the work we do at ChangeUp?

Physical environments have the potential to create unique experiences, but the presentation and packaging can be more widely accessible, which can create more personal, memorable interactions. I love that we get to design and work on both small and large scales, which contribute to the overall experience. There are constant opportunities to create, observe and learn, and progress. It’s a thrilling process to watch and be part of.

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