Why Trust, Tribalism, and Theater are Pillars of Modern Dealership Success

January 29, 2025

Everyone believes dealerships must continue to evolve in our digital-first world – but evolve into what? That’s the multibillion-dollar question reshaping automotive retail. Since shoppers research, configure, and in some cases even purchase vehicles entirely online now, the dealership must reassert its value. Instead of continuing to focus on transactions, they must transform into a powerful means of persuasion, purchase confidence, and emotional magnetism… roles that the online experience alone cannot fulfill.

With decades of dealership design experience, the team at ChangeUp recently conducted a survey of 1,200 U.S. consumers that reveals that the dealership still plays a vital role in the automotive guest journey – one that must adapt to change and new challenges.

Our research has led us to determine that the modern dealership is a nexus where three strong forces intersect – trust, tribalism, and theater. These elements work in concert to shape consumer perception and choice in ways that digital experiences alone cannot replicate. Let’s unpack each of these dimensions:

 Trust: The Confidence Amplifier

Trust is the indispensable foundation of any major purchase decision. Surprisingly, our research found that 90% of consumers agree the dealership experience increased their confidence in their purchase decision. This reinforces that the physical space should have tangible cues of brand reliability and expertise, from facility design to staff interactions. Defining and including “rapid trust signals” provide consumers the ability to see, touch, and test-drive vehicles and transform abstract research into grounded assurance.

Trust is a two-way street in automotive retail, critical for both the brand and the dealer. Our findings uncovered that 82% of consumers say dealership design positively influenced their trust in the dealer. At the same time, over 80% reported the experience made them feel more positive about the brand.

This dynamic reveals the dealership’s role to build trust, connecting consumer confidence in the local business with the manufacturer’s brand promise. Each interaction is an opportunity to build or erode this delicate bond.

Consistency is key. A study by Reputation.com found that 64% of consumers would travel more than 20 miles to visit a dealership with excellent reviews. Trust, once established, has remarkable gravitational pull – but it must be maintained across every touchpoint.

 Tribalism: The Belonging Boost

Like fashion, vehicle choice is a major projection of personal values and identity. And while vehicle quality and performance are increasingly in sync, brand tribalism is a key differentiator. The dealership is where consumers tangibly experience their relationship with the brand. Our research found that 77% of younger buyers enjoy dealership visits – underscoring their role as places to explore tribal appeal. These experiences can make or break a sense of belonging to something bigger than just a purchase. This makes it critical to understand what current owners and aspirational buyers are looking for from the brand. How can the brand experience increase the appeal of the vehicle and trigger a desire to stay with or join the group? Social proof is also powerful evidence of tribe appeal: 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. The dealership amplifies this with immersive brand storytelling and strong community validation.

The stakes are high: 55% of the respondents have avoided certain dealerships due to poor design. The experience must authentically reinforce a sense of unity and belonging to the brand, and the desirability of joining the group. Get it right, and the rewards are significant: a 2023 study in Frontiers in Psychology demonstrated that active participation in brand communities can lead to early adoption of new products, as shoppers are influenced by peers within the community.

The dealership is the physical embodiment of the brand tribe – a space where personal identity and social belonging intersect. Leveraged effectively, it’s a powerful tool for driving differentiation and desire in an increasingly homogenous market.

 Theater: The Emotional Preview

The dealership is the experiential epicenter of automotive retail. It’s where consumers preview their future vehicle relationship through multisensory touchpoints. 84% of our respondents said dealership visits influenced purchase decisions, underscoring the power of these in-person previews.

The dealership invites consumers to project themselves into aspirational vehicle lifestyles, generating vivid future memories. It changes the timeline and reference points for vehicle acquisition, making ownership feel closer and more attainable.

Vehicles should be staged to captivate consumers, from lighting to layout, And accessories should be presented not just as products, but as personalization tools for tailoring the vehicle to individual preferences, and potential for adventure. Maximum visual appeal can transform the consideration process from evaluating a product to imagining a future.

Each of these elements contribute to a compelling “emotional test-drive” that transports consumers from consideration to desire. 25% of respondents in our survey converted dealership browsing into purchasing – a testament to the persuasive power of immersive experiences.

In an increasingly digital world, the dealership remains the physical stage where automotive dreams are brought to life. It’s a space where consumers can tangibly interact with their future, not just as a vehicle, but as a projection of their identity and lifestyle. This emotional resonance is the heart of the dealership’s enduring relevance and influence.

 Modulating Moments: Acquisition vs. Loyalty

While trust, tribalism, and theater are ever-present at the dealership, their relative importance shifts between the customer acquisition and loyalty stages. For initial purchase, tribalism plays a leading role, acting as an emotional “hook” to drive consideration and belonging. Trust then cements the bond, providing rational assurance at the pivotal point of sale.

For loyalty, trust takes center stage as consumers return for service and ancillary needs. Each positive interaction deepens the relationship, making the dealership a familiar “home base.” Tribalism sustains the emotional connection over time, reinforced through perks, events, and community recognition.

Theater, however, remains an untapped opportunity. Currently, dealership experiences are often utilitarian and transactional, leaving customers tolerating the status quo rather than anticipating inspiration. By applying out-of-category experiential standards, dealerships can close this gap and exceed expectations. Thoughtful touches, personalized interactions, and immersive environments can transform routine visits into memorable moments, deepening loyalty and differentiation.

 Curtain Call: An Evolving Yet Essential Entity

Despite a shift in consumer shopping behavior, the dealership is not dying – it’s evolving. Digital tools are enhancing, not replacing, the on-site experience. 61% of our respondents used hybrid purchase paths, starting online but completing the journey at the dealership.

The physical space is adapting in tandem, with progressive retailers using technology, aesthetics, and process innovation to redefine the dealership. But at their core, these reimagined sites still serve the timeless human needs for trust, belonging, and inspiration. They are places where consumers can tangibly connect with brands and confirm their choices with confidence.

The imperative for dealerships is refreshingly clear: master the art of building trust through every interaction, nurture the tribal appeal that turns customers into advocates, and create theater that transforms shopping into an experience worth remembering. For those ready to embrace these challenges, the path to success isn’t a mystery – it’s a strategic opportunity waiting to be seized. At ChangeUp, we’re seeing firsthand how this formula drives results when executed with purpose and precision. Because in today’s market, solving for success means delivering exactly what digital alone cannot: human connections that matter.

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