by webdev | Jan 25, 2021 | Thinking, Uncategorized
As we enter this new year, we’ve reflected on our pre-pandemic predictions and how they align with today’s realities. In this three-part series, our CEO, Lee Carpenter, and Executive Director of Strategy & Insights, Bill Chidley, share their perspective from 2018...
by webdev | Jan 19, 2021 | Thinking, Uncategorized
In this three-part series, our CEO, Lee Carpenter, and Executive Director of Strategy & Insights, Bill Chidley, share their perspective on the unprecedented change the auto industry has recently seen. After looking back, the fact is the customer has been asking...
by webdev | Jan 12, 2021 | Thinking, Uncategorized
In this three-part series, we share how the auto industry can keep up with customers and leap forward in a way that isn’t reactionary.
by webdev | Dec 17, 2020 | Thinking, Uncategorized
Lee Carpenter, CEO, and Lynn Gonsior, COO, reflect on the year. If there is one word to summarize 2020, it’s PERSPECTIVE! Companies were just starting to implement their strategic plans when most organizations were completely upended. COVID-19 changed all of our...
by webdev | Dec 8, 2020 | Thinking, Uncategorized
A roundup of gifts for spreading cheer this holiday season from a few members of our creative team. 2020 is clearly the year no one planned for. Here’s our take on a few gift ideas to spread cheer and keep your creative juices flowing, even when working remotely. We...
by webdev | Dec 1, 2020 | Thinking, Uncategorized
We explore a new mindset for automotive retail and how to connect buyers’ behaviors online with their offline expectations.